About Padlet
Padlet is an online tool where faculty, staff, and students can create visual boards for organizing and sharing content. Padlets start as a blank slate and users can add text, links, images, video, and more in a secure location. They can then share their Padlet with others who can collaborate in real time by adding their own posts to the Padlet. It is an easy and intuitive tool to use to create a secure, collaborative space online.
Accessing Padlet at Cambrian College
Padlet is available for all faculty, staff, and students at Cambrian.
Logging in using your Cambrian credentials will allow you to create an unlimited number of Padlets!
- To access Padlet, simply sign in to the Cambrian College Padlet Portal using your Cambrian email address and password.
- View/download our How to Access to Padlet Guide for a step-by-step overview on signing in.
- To import Padlets from a free account, view the instructions to import personal Padlets to your Cambrian account.
Key Features:
- Organize ideas visually. Lay out your information as a map, board, or freeform canvas. Posts are sized and aligned automatically. Group and sort posts by different properties.
- Present and share in many ways. Share with a link or QR code, embed Padlet on Moodle or anywhere else, share as a presentation, or export to PDF.
- Post almost anything! Post images, audio, video, or file. Link YouTube videos, web pages, Tweets, etc.
- Collaborate in real time. Live updates appear on a shared screen. Users can comment, vote on, and like posts. Push and email notifications can also be enabled.
- Stay private or go public. Make your padlet private, password-protected, or totally public. Decide who can view and who can contribute.
- Use anywhere, on any device. Padlet is available in 45 languages and can be accessed on the web from any device. Padlet also has apps for Chromebook, Mac, PC, iOS, and Android.
“I Can’t Draw” Feature
Did you know you can use Padlet’s “I Can’t Draw” feature to add AI-generated images into any Padlet? Watch to learn how.
Other New Padlet Features!
Padlet is constantly releasing dozens of new features and templates! Check out descriptions and examples of these features on their blog, the Padlet Gazette.
Ready to Build your Own Padlet – Get Inspired
The Padlet website has a large gallery of example Padlets you can review and use.
Padlet Support
For technical support or questions, contact the Hub’s EdTech support.
For design assistance, reach out to the Hub’s instructional design team.