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Meet The Hub Team

Christopher Schubert

Hub Projects & Operations

Strategic Teaching & Learning Initiatives

Faculty Support, Development, and Onboarding

(705) 566-8101 x 6216

Rob Comtois
Senior Educational Technology Specialist

Moodle, Zoom, eGrades

Faculty Support and Training

Educational Technology Planning

FLEX Classroom Training

(705) 566-8101 x 6207

Josee Beaulieu
eLearning Technologist

Moodle, Zoom, eGrades

Faculty Support and Training

Educational Technology Support

FLEX Classroom Training

(705) 566-8101 x 7851

Mel Young
Educational Developer

Course Development, Planning, Assessment

General Pedagogy

Professional Development

Faculty Onboarding

(705) 566-8101 x 6841

Sarah Wendorf
Senior Instructional Designer (Currently on Secondment)

Project Management

Course and Program Development

Adult Learning Theory, Inclusive Design

(705) 566-8101

Niharika Venkatraj
Instructional Designer

Course Design and Layout

Creation of Learning Objects

Interactive Multimedia

(705) 566-8101 x 7961

Jeffery Tranchemontagne
Multimedia Specialist

Video and Audio Recording

Video and Audio Editing

Multimedia Inside and Outside the Classroom

(705) 566-8101 x 7654

Jade Found, Associate RGD
Graphic Designer

Course Visual Branding

Document and Infographic Design

Accessibility: AODA and WCAG 2.0 Guidelines

(705) 566-8101 x 7613


Directions to the Hub

The Teaching & Learning Innovation Hub is located in Room 1271.

Directions from the main entrance of Cambrian College:

  1. Enter the main foyer and turn right.
  2. Take the stairs next to the elevator down to Floor 1.
  3. Go through the doors on your right.
  4. Walk straight past the mineral/geology hallway.
  5. Take the small set of stairs on your left and continue straight to the Hub entrance.