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What’s Inside This Month’s Hub

🎉 Welcome Back, Josée! Meet our new and returning team members in the Hub.

🤝 Join a Community! Join our Math and Care-O Practice Channels on Teams.

🎁 Daily Teaching Tips Return! Don’t miss our December Resource Retreat countdown!

Welcome Back, Josée Beaulieu!

The Hub would like to welcome back Josée Beaulieu as the new eLearning Technologist in the Hub! If this sounds like déjà vu, you may recall Josée filling this role a few years ago when Rob Comtois completed a PD leave. Rob has now taken on the role of Senior Educational Technology Specialist, and together, they’re ready to support faculty and staff with Moodle, eGrades, Zoom, and other tools. Drop by the Hub (Room 1271) to say hello and connect with Josée and Rob.

Welcome Placement Student, John Gray!

The Hub is also pleased to welcome John Gray, who is joining us for a four-week placement as part of the graphic design program. We’re thrilled to collaborate with John and are looking forward to him sharing his perspectives and expertise with the Hub Team! If you have any ideas for graphic design projects for your courses, please contact Jade Found, graphic designer for the Hub.

Community of Practice(s)

Join Our Community of Practice Channels on Microsoft Teams!

The Hub now has dedicated Microsoft Teams channels for our Math Community of Practice (Math CoP) and Care-O Community of Practice (Care-O CoP). If you’re passionate about mathematics education or fostering community care, join us on Teams to connect with like-minded colleagues!

How to Join the Communities of Practice

To join either of the Communities of Practice in Microsoft Teams, simply click the link below. Once you join, the channel will show up in your Teams list, when using the desktop app or the web version.

The AI CoP also has a dedicated AI CoP Moodle page. Join the AI CoP on Moodle.

Tips for Engaging in the Communities of Practice

  • Introduce Yourself: Share a brief introduction when you join the channel.
  • Ask Questions & Share Resources: These channels are a space for collaboration, so feel free to ask questions, share teaching strategies, or post resources that others may find helpful.
  • Stay Active: Check the channels for updates, resources, and discussions to stay engaged with the community.
Community of Practice Launch

Unwrapping Teaching Tools with Trick-or-Teach and the Resource Retreat Calendars

We recently concluded our annual Trick-or-Teach calendar, where we shared daily teaching “tricks” and resources to enhance your teaching and learning. If you missed any of the resources, revisit the complete collection in our Trick-or-Teach 2024 Wrap Up blog post.

Building upon this success, we’re announcing the return of our Resource Retreat Winter Countdown Calendar! Starting December 2, you can unwrap a new teaching resource each day. Last year’s retreat introduced popular tools like Padlet's GenAI features, Edpuzzle’s interactive lessons, and Microsoft Word Online’s transcription tools. Get ready for even more innovative resources this year!